The game was tight. The crowd, anticipating a "mzungu" win, roared with each goal scored upon the Kenyan team. Actually, to be really honest there were only 3 mzungus - Greg, Libby and myself, of which two of us made up the team along with some "honorary mzungus" (a.k.a. our Kenyan staff and some of the best players in camp), while Libby cheered us on from the sidelines. Strategically this was in our favour as she did enthusiastically guide Greg's every move as goalie. Thank goodness I was goalie # 1.5!
It can be quite intimidating, to say the least, to have staff members who I'm sure practice "football", soccer for North Americans, in their sleep come at you with the full force of a tidal wave intent on only one thing...getting that ball through the goal line. I must say that when I did eventually catch that incoming ball everyone including myself stood wide eyed at what had just been accomplished. I had prevented a tie and in the end I had won the game. Although I'm sure there are those on my team who would dispute this fact. Then again, this is my blog.

Only a few things to note if you should ever organize an impromptu football game out on the plains. First off, playing barefoot only makes it easier for the thorns to wreak havoc with the feet. Secondly, the ball is just as susceptible to punctures when playing near thorny acacia trees and thirdly, the inevitable tall tales are bound to surface around the camp fire. Now this isn't to say its all fun and games in camp. The respite from work however is always appreciated and when I'm not out on the football field, I can usually be found working away in the camp office. Work is never far away and if you can't find it, it will surely find you... as will most other things around here!