Where to begin? Firstly, I was very sick this past year. It took several ER visits to discover what wasn't wrong with me and a naturopath (and a lot of prayer) to finally find the answer. I won't bore you with the details save to say that I am about 85% recovered or as normal as I can remember being this time last year. The thing about being sick is that God usually uses that moment to create an opportunity to teach you something about yourself. I can't say I'm in the "suck it up buttercup" camp any more, because sometimes, you just can't suck it up. And that's OK too! What I did learn was that no matter what comes our way, God will never give us more than we can handle.
After a lengthy discussion with God, alot of prayer, and some much needed advice from friends...I have decided I will be heading off to Africa for a 73 day volunteer placement [pause] ... beginning October 7th. I should be home a week before Christmas barring no travel complications, then again, I may decide on staying longer. I will be stretching myself both physically, emotionally and spiritually as I will be working at a safari camp in the Kenyan bush with an all male staff. When the camp isn't overrun with clients, I will have the opportunity to teach the locals computer skills and also organize weekly educational visits to schools. I will be there to learn new skills and impart some of my own talents.
This is where everyone starts to question my purpose for this or my sanity. So many of us including myself spend our lives wondering what our purpose is in life. Africa has been a life long dream, and for those of you who know me well, this is not a new revelation. Nothing may come of this trip but then again, God has given me the ability, the opportunity and the desire to do this. All I ask in return are your prayers and words of encouragement.
Otherwise, I look forward to you all sharing in my adventure.