last few days have been absolutely stellar for sightings at my workplace (Umkumbe Safari Lodge in the world famous Sabi Sands Game Reserve) and our guests have
enjoyed every moment on drive!!!
begin, a few days ago, I awoke to the call of a male leopard. Ever the
optimist, I thought this as a sign of a good drive ahead. On this particular
morning, the sun struggled to peak through the haze but the animals did not
disappoint. Not long into the drive, squealing and trumpeting alerted Cameron to
the presence of elephants. Through the thicket, they emerged to greet him, as
the large breeding herd slowly moved northward to the Sand River.

make things even more spectacular, yesterday morning’s drive proved to be one
for the record books with 3 different cat species spotted – no pun intended. Not
quite finished with our morning coffee, the call over the radio mentioning
lions nearby, had all of us guides scrambling to retrieve our guests and coral
them all onto the vehicles. We didn’t have far to go, as the Charleston pride
were within eyesight of our main entrance. We proceeded to strategically place
our vehicles for the best views as this pride readied for the hunt. Adrenaline
pumping, hearts racing, we watched all three members stalk, chase and miss our
daggha boys (old male buffalos) who were, by the way, quick to have them all
running in the other direction. To top it all off, a young female leopard came
strolling down the main road and on the way back to the lodge, we were rewarded
with a stellar cheetah sighting. All this to say, if that action packed, pre-breakfast
excitement didn’t get your heart pumping, you should consider staying home.