Everything moves in time. My mind overflows with thoughts. The best way to sift through them...feet hitting the ground, shades on, ear buds in and Boy & Bear streaming. While some people have epiphany's in the shower, others on the throne, I have my best ideas while wandering the streets of my neighbourhood. Yes, I am one of "those" people who block out the world around them and walk with determination. There is nothing quite like a brisk two hour walk to pump the blood and feed the brain. Although, generally a social person, I can be introspective at times and will admit to getting lost in my own thoughts. You may even catch me having a one way conversation.
I have wandering feet or itchy feet as my parents call them. They take me places I would have never dared venture. My feet are monsters, they literally have a mind of their own. When everything in my being screams NO, they say GO. Skimming through some of my past posts, you would hardly believe I was a big "scaredy cat". True story. Case in point, Crescent Island, home to giant pythons. Who in their right mind, would A) visit such an island? let alone B) explore it on foot? If all hands are pointing to me, you are correct my friends.
Although back in the land of grizzly bears and cougars, I allow my mind to return to thoughts of Africa. My feet continue to move me forward at a ridiculous pace when I'm in a contemplative mood but one thing is for sure, no matter where I am in the world, even when I am lost in my own thoughts, I give logs on my path the respect they deserve. After all, I once almost stepped over a giant python.